
Bauhaus: The Revolutionary Design Movement

Pet-Friendly Interior Design

Welcome to the world of Bauhaus, a revolutionary design movement that has had a profound impact on the world of art, architecture, and design. In this blog post, we'll explore the origins, philosophies, and influence of the Bauhaus movement, delving into the unique characteristics that have made it so iconic and enduring.

The Origins of Bauhaus

The Bauhaus movement began in Weimar, Germany, in 1919, founded by architect Walter Gropius. It was born out of the desire to bridge the gap between art and industry, with the aim of creating a unified and cohesive aesthetic that would permeate all aspects of human life. In this utopian vision, Gropius sought to harness the power of new technologies and functional design to create a better world.

The Founding Principles

The Bauhaus movement was founded on three core tenets:

  1. Form follows function: The primary goal of the Bauhaus was to create objects and spaces that were both functional and visually appealing. Aesthetic appeal should be derived from the logic and efficiency of an object’s function.

  2. The unity of art and craftsmanship: Instead of separating the creative process into design and craft, Bauhaus aimed to merge the two in order to create an integrated and seamless final product.

  3. Interdisciplinary collaboration: The Bauhaus curriculum emphasized the importance of teamwork, cross-disciplinary learning, and the bringing together of various disciplines, in order to foster innovation and creativity.

Impact on Modern Design

The Bauhaus movement has left a lasting legacy in the world of design, with many of the movement's principles still being employed today. The emphasis on functionality, simplicity, and quality materials has become a cornerstone of modern design, with countless designers worldwide continuing to draw inspiration from the Bauhaus philosophy.

In addition to revolutionizing the way we think about design, the Bauhaus has also given us some of the most iconic pieces of functional art; examples include the Wassily Chair by Marcel Breuer, the Barcelona Chair by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and the Bauhaus Lamp by Wilhelm Wagenfeld.

The Significance of Bauhaus in Architecture

The Bauhaus movement has had a profound impact on architecture, giving rise to the International Style of modernist architecture. This style is characterized by clean lines, geometric shapes, and a focus on the functional aspects of the building. Many of the principles established by the Bauhaus movement continue to influence contemporary architectural thought and practice.


The Bauhaus movement, with its emphasis on the unity of art, design, and functionality, has had a lasting impact on the worlds of art, architecture, and design. Its principles continue to inspire, creating a legacy that has established the Bauhaus as an enduring influence on how we perceive and interact with our built environment.